La Magia di Venezia: The Magic of Venice


The first thing I remember after arriving off the train into Venice was the feeling of entering a whole new world, a world unlike anything I had ever seen before. The only word I could use to describe the new world I was in was magic. An absolute aura of mystery, uniqueness and beauty had overcome me and I knew this was a place that I would never forget.

After a few weekend trips from my central location in Florence, Venice was the last quick getaway. Venice was somewhere I had heard little snippets of every now and then, or seen picturesque scenes of in film or television once in a while. Never had I dreamed it would make such an impression on myself and my appreciation for the world in which we live in, and the beauty that surrounds us.

Before starting this article, let me give you one piece of advice: go to Venice in spring, or summer! Just to paint the picture for you, it was about 7 degrees with an even chillier wind, torrential downpours of rain were destroying my flimsy umbrella and just to top it all off, Venice itself had flooded. I can only imagine the magical photographs I could have captured if the rain hand’t stopped me. Don’t let this distract you from the wonders I am about to describe to you, just take it as a handy hint. There is no way I was studying in Italy and not visiting Venice, it was just a no-brainer! Whatever unsuspected circumstances and negative obstacles you are faced with, I believe it is still so important to embrace every moment of life around you and appreciate the opportunities you have been given. Nothing was going to stop me from having my magical weekend in the city of water and bridges!

Adding to the charm and romance of Venice was our sweet little hotel. Although navigating through the narrow streets, without any real street signs and a million identical small bridges and archways, was a lengthy and difficult process to say the least, the most magical room was waiting to welcome us. Adorned with sparkling chandeliers, red and gold cushions and lounging chairs, and an enormous king sized bed draped in red velvet, this was a room fit for royalty. And to think this is what a lousy student budget could afford!


So what was the first thing I did in Venice? Take a gondola ride of course! I was so impressed with the gondolier’s dedication for work, sacrificing their own dryness and warmth just to take a few young girls out on their first gondola ride. It was as romantic and special as you would imagine it to be. Slowly drifting through the streets and ally ways of an enchanted city. Passing by other passengers with smiles and eyes lit up by excitement and wonder. It was everything I had imagined it to be and more, this 35-minute experience is something that everyone needs to tick off their bucket list.

After strolling around the court of San Marco Square and being enticed by the dozens of gelato shops surrounding us, it was time to shop! Venice is renowned for its intricate work in glass and masks. The murano glass is so elegant and alluring that it just adds once more to the idea of magic and charm. The streets of Venice sparkle from every direction as the elaborate glasswork is displayed in almost every window front. When the sunlight hits the streets, the whole place dazzles in vibrant colours and reflects in every direction. The masks are used for the ‘Carnival of Venice’ and leave a lasting impression on you. Filled with incredible detail and design, these masks take you back in time to a royal masquerade party or ball. So much life and charisma explodes out of the window displays thanks to these beautiful masks, continuing to fill your senses with magic.


As the sun set over the endless horizon of water, the food was beckoning us. Having a traditional pesto pasta dish from an authentic Italian restaurant is enough to warm your heart and ignite every last taste bud. I wish I could have spent days exploring the magical city of Venice and all of the separate islands it had to offer, however one night was all I could have for my first Venetian experience. That experience has made me more motivated then ever to return to Europe and my beloved Italy, and once more visit the city of water in the summertime. If you are in search of another place to tick off your bucket list, look no further than Venice!


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